BTU Calculator

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Check the Facts on Competitor Heater Claims

It’s not scientifically possible for turbine heaters burning 4.9 gallons of diesel per hour to produce 1.4 million BTUs, as leading competitors claim. According to the US Bureau of Transportation Statistics, there are only 138,700 BTUs in one gallon of diesel — no matter what technology is used.*

Our most powerful heater delivers more than 1.25 Million BTUs of heat at temperatures exceeding 180°F and 9,200 CFM.

Our patented technology uses diesel, gas or electric power to agitate hydraulic oil in a flameless, sparkless, low-pressure environment. Heat output is controlled by simple settings on the engine throttle. The oil is cooled and circulated, not burned — providing a clean, pollution-free discharge to the target environment.


Find the right heater for your needed BTU:

Up to

200,000 BTU

Up to

425,000 BTU

Up to

500,000 BTU

Up to

1,000,000 BTU

Up to

1,250,000 BTU